Cambridge Biotechnology Masters. The Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology offers PhDs in Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology Research within the Department covers a wide and exciting array of activities ranging from quite fundamental research in biology through to the traditional fields of chemical engineering and the specifics of any project will dictate the activities of the student.
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University of Cambridge Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology The MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise (MBE) programme is an intensive taught science and business course intended for those who have an interest in enterprise and the ambition to found technology companies or take up leadership executive or consultancy roles in the life sciences sector.
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About the course The MPhil in Biotechnology is a unique programme that draws on worldleading academics and industry champions to deliver an indepth multidisciplinary curriculum at the interface of biology with physical sciences and technology Providing stateoftheart education and research training in cuttingedge areas the programme was designed to respond to major.
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MPhil in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
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University of Cambridge Masters Degrees in Biotechnology
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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
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University of Cambridge Faculty of Biology The Department offers a oneyear fulltime MPhil programme by research leading to the Master of Philosophy in Biological Science (Biochemistry) This is also available as a parttime option taking two years Currently we do not run a Masters course by instruction involving classes and examinations.