Civil Uii Ac Id. Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) The Civil Engineering Study Program (PSTS) at the Islamic University of Indonesia which was established on October 12 1964 has a high quality program in the implementation of civil engineering education A strong and conducive academic atmosphere enables an intensive learning process in terms of problem solving design project management teamwork and leadership as well as communication skills.
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Soil Mechanics Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering and Planning Faculty of UII was established in 1978 with relatively simple equipment The main objective of this lab is built to support the academic activities such as lab work and research in order to final student faculty research and community service.
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) UII
Gedung Mohammad Natsir Kampus Terpadu UII Jalan Kaliurang KM 145 Sleman Yogyakarta 55584 Telepon +62 274 898471 Faks +62 274 895330 Email tekniksipil[at]uiiacid.
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Beranda Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Universitas Islam Indonesia membentuk sebuah forum yang bernama Civil Engineering Research Forum (CE ReForm) pada tahun 2021 Sebagaimana namanya CE ReForm dimaksudkan menjadi suatu forum bagi para insan teknik sipil dan lainnya yang terkait untuk mendiskusikan hasil penelitian terkini.
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Master of Civil Engineering Universitas Islam Indonesia UII
Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Indonesia
The aim of the Department of Civil Engineering Universitas Islam Indonesia is to be among the top five of institutions as rank by National Accredited Board and international credited before 2025 The Department of Civil Engineering also have a commitment of worthwhile superiority based on Islamic value through excellent educational activities.