Rather Artinya. ‘Would You Rather questions are a great way to find out the weird kinks or strange behaviours of your partner or friends! These hypothetical questions are pretty dirty and will guarantee you will learn a lot about both the quizmaster and fellow players along the way From sexy preferences to eating allthings weird wacky and gross this ‘Would You Rather’ list will challenge your morals.
Apa Itu Preferences from English First
(Aku ingin tinggal di rumah daripada keluar malam ini) He ignored the question rather than lie (Dia mengabaikan pertanyaan itu daripada berbohong) Rather than continue the argument they walked away (Alihalih melanjutkan argumen mereka pergi) For exercise we walk rather than run (Untuk olahraga kami berjalan daripada berlari).
Test English Prepare for your English exam
Ketika kamu pake dengan kata ‘rather’ artinya kamu lagi nyatain suatu pilihan atau lebih memilih sesuatu di atas hal/aktifitas lain Conto “I’d rather talk about this later” Saya lebih milih membicarakan hal ini nanti saja “I’d like to eat at home than go get fast food” Saya lebih suka makanan rumah daripada fast food “I’d rather ski than snowboard” Saya lebih suka.
69 Best Would You Rather Questions Hilarious and Difficult!
Arti would rather Informasi tentang would rather relatif sedikit mungkin Anda dapat menonton cerita bilingual untuk merilekskan suasana hati semoga hari Anda menyenangkan!.
Apa Arti "RATHER THAT IT" Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Terjemahan frasa RATHER THAN dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris dan contoh penggunaan “RATHER THAN” dalam kalimat dengan terjemahannya Rather than ” moving” dalam arti konvensional.
Apa Itu Preferences
60 Dirty Would You Rather Questions Life Hacks
20 Penggunaan Rather Than dalam Bahasa Inggris – Contoh
135 Insanely Fun Would You Rather Questions [This or That]
Pengertian, Perbedaan Dan Contoh “Fairly, Quite, Rather
Penggunaan Rather Fungsi Rather Belajar Bahasa
Would Rather (Phrase): Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Kalimat
dan Contoh Kalimatnya Penggunaan Would Rather
Dasar Semenit: ‘I’d 21. Belajar Speaking rather + (verb
Cấu trúc và cách dùng Rather trong Tiếng Anh
Arti kata Rather/ Rather dalam bahasa inggris My RIENZ
Apa Arti “RATHER THAN” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
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English Sharing: Rather
bahasa Indonesia RATHER Terjemahan kamus bab.la
Would You Rather
RATHER THAN Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia kamus bab.la
Arti rather terjemahan rather, makna rather, rather
20 Penggunaan Would Rather dalam Bahasa Inggris – Contoh
would rather would prefer – summary chart Download fullsize image from Pinterest would rather/would sooner would rather/sooner + infinitive (than) We use would rather/sooner + infinitive (without to) to talk about preferenceWe can use it with than (+noun/infinitive) in affirmative sentences or with or in questions I ‘d rather/sooner have tea please.